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CAMINOS' Second Study Visit 

The event was jointly organised and hosted by the DAAD  and TU Berlin 

The second Study Visit took place in Germany on April 16-20 2018 and it counted with the participation of CAMINOS Latin American partners including universities, networks and university associations.


During the visit to Bonn, all participants had the opportunity to get familiar with the DAAD's partnership programmes and HE management. The DAAD's strategic areas of activities were also presented together with good practice examples such as the German-Argentinean university centre – strengthening academic and institutional cooperation and the SHARE (EU Support to Higher Education in the ASEAN Region) – towards the creation of a common Southeast Asian higher education area. 

Dr. Markus Symmank, Head of EU02 Learning Mobility of Individuals, National Agency for EU-Higher Education Cooperation, has also presented how the National Agency for EU Higher Education works and its cooperation within the DAAD. 

Finally, participants had the opportunity to visit the German Rectors’ Conference (HRK) and to hear about the different initiatives and projects that are being implemented in the German Universities.


On April 18th, all parters travelled by train to the city of Berlin to start the second phase of the study visit. The first session in Berlin was planned to discuss the opportunities and challenges in university collaboration with the global south: global responsibility, global Impacts of research, global sustainability, academic mobility & inadequacy of the term Global South. 

TU Berlin also presented their mobility in the context of its internationalization strategy together with their staff and students' mobility management. Participants also had the chance to visit the Welcome Center Berlin and lo listen the presentation on the objectives and management of the Center. 


TU Berlin introduces parters te EU-funded mobility schemes and their experience with Erasmus Mundus Action 2 and Erasmus+ International Credit Mobility from a program and a partner country perspective. The meeting has finished with a Wrap-up Workshop were partners were invited to discuss the latest developments on the CAMINOS-handbook.

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The presentations are now available in the intranet of this website. 

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