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The CAMINOS project strove to both develop a Handbook for Managing Mobility in Latin America and to support universities in the partnership to implement it, though pilot projects. The pilot projects were intended to be needs-specific, targeting at least one ‘process’ described in the Matrix of the CAMINOS Handbook, such as student services, information on mobility, inter-institutional agreements, etc. Partners developed proposals for the pilot projects, stating the objectives and the short and medium-term plans for implementation.

Latin American partners also benefited from a ‘coaching’ exercise, whereby European partners provided concrete advice on the pilot project implementation. This was done via three physical meetings, where parallel sessions were set up: Bogota (January 2019), Buenos Aires (March and June 2019).

One of the most important outcomes of the CAMINOS project are these pilots projects. Please find below more information on the pilots proposals and on the final monitoring reports that were submitted.

Piloto de las asociaciones sobre el programa PILA




Interim report: 


Final report: Análisis cualitativo y de impacto del Programa PILA


Universidad Católica del Norte

Universidad de


Universidad de


Universidad de


Universidad de


Universidad Técnica Particular de Loja


Universidad Yachay Tech

Proposal: Pasantías de investigación


Interim report: Pasantías de Investigación


Final report: Pasantías de investigación

Universidad Nacional de Chilecito

Universidade Federal de São Carlos

Universidad de la República

Universidade do Estado da Bahia

Universidad Nacional del Sur

Proposal: Internacionalización de los posgrados


Interim report: 


Final report: Internacionalización de los posgrados

Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul

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